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Changing shape colors

Use your creative side! Our pieces are set up so it’s crazy easy to change any shape’s color—including icon backgrounds!—to suit your fancy. Want to match your company’s branding? Easy peasy!

How to change the color of a shape:

  1. Select the shape you want to change.
  2. If it’s grouped to something else, first ungroup (here’s how to do that).
  3. With the shape selected, right-click and choose “Format Shape
    Step 1
  4. Click on the paint bucket icon and select the color you want to use.

How to match to your company’s brand color:

  1. First, open up something that uses company colors. You'll use this as a reference to match the color in PowerPoint. Here are some examples:
    • Presentation Template
    • Letterhead
    • Logo
    • Website
    • Code of Conduct
  2. Pull your company color reference off to the side, but make sure it’s still visible on your screen. We're using a letterhead here.
  3. In PowerPoint, choose a shape to change color, right-click, and select “Format Shape”.
  4. Then, click on the paint bucket icon to select a color.
  5. Choose “More colors”.
  6. Click once on the eyedropper icon on the bottom left. A circle will appear that zooms into items on your screen.
  7. Move your mouse towards the branded document you pulled up, hover over the color you want to use, and click on it.
  8. You’ve matched the color! In PowerPoint, hit “OK” to finalize.
  9. This color will now appear under “Recent Colors” every time you go to select a color in this file.

How to match a specific color using HEX codes

If you have your company brand guide, you might see something labeled HEX codes. These are 6 digits that correspond to specific colors. You can use those digits to help you brand your materials.

Entering them into powerpoint to change the colors of text, shapes, or lines is super easy. With your HEX numbers ready we’ll show you how to enter those color codes into PowerPoint right now!

  1. First select the shape you would like to change. In this step let’s focus on the background shape.
  2. Next You’ll need to open the “Shape Format” tab so you can change colors. This tab only shows up if you have a shape object selected.
  3. You’re almost there! Open the “Shape Fill” dropdown by clicking on the arrow, and select “More Fill Colors…”
  4. This will open the color input window. In the “Hex Color #” field, enter your custom HEX code then press “OK”.
  5. And there you go, just like that you have changed a shape's color to a specific brand HEX color!

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