It’s "Awkward Compliance Moments" Bingo!
Did you know there is an actual day called “National Awkward Moments Day?” Well, neither did we!
Source: The Office
As compliance professionals, we’ve all had our fair share of awkward moments! In fact, there are so many that you could probably make a bingo card out of them.
So we did! (Actually, two!)
Download them both and mark each square that includes something you've experienced. If you get five in a row, you’ve got Bingo!
Here’s a sneak peek of a few awkward moments (hat tip to our customers and fans for providing some of these!):
The solution to every issue is to write a policy or create an e-learning module
Someone insists “your system” must not be capturing their training completion
Someone bypasses third-party due diligence because “we trust them”
Live training is interpreted as “reading the policy to the audience”
A manager proudly displays an expensive gift from a vendor in their office

Source: Imgflip.com
Got Bingo? Hey, awkward moments happen. If you are faced with these kinds of situations occasionally (we’ve all been there!), remember that YOU are being paid to develop an effective compliance program. And that means you “shall be given adequate resources, appropriate authority, and direct access to the governing authority or an appropriate subgroup of the governing authority.”
DOJ says so! | Source: Parks and Recreation
Notice anything these situations have in common?
Nearly all of them could be eliminated by having your senior leadership team and Board of Directors agree on making an effective compliance program a priority.
Not sure where to start?
- (Re)introduce them to your E&C program to get their buy-in and support with Broadcat's Ethics and Compliance Overview for Senior Executives deck.
- Use our The 7 elements of a compliance program job aid to reinforce what makes a program effective.
- And keep your Board informed with our Annual Board of Directors Program Overview deck.
Broadcat has many other tools to help reduce the number of awkward compliance moments including our free Compliance for Boards guide, our e-book, and Compliance Advisory when you need some expert guidance. This is what we do, and we're the best at it.