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Oh Yeah, We're Diving into Major Initiatives For Data Privacy 🤿

Broadcat announces sustained investment to build content supporting privacy professionals

According to my teenage children (and my watch history), I am an avid fan of the show Westworld, currently in its fourth season on HBO.

Prove it? OK, here is my golf cart, “Dolores.”

Dolores pic 2

Livin' la vida lago

Westworld Made Securing Data Privacy Look Simple


Westworld portrayed our data quagmire a bit too casually. Sure, creating the robot overlord Rehoboam probably took 2021-style venture capital funding, but once it was done, it was the ONE machine to rule them all (which I fully support, for the record). 

And here's why: because at the end of Season 3, our everyman hero Caleb ordered Rehoboam to erase itself and the sum of humanity's data footprint. Wouldn’t that be convenient, if control of our collective personal data were housed in a single system that could be decommissioned in the deserts of central Mexico?


In Reality, Data Privacy Is Complicated

As we know, our data is fragmented in 10^x servers located across the globe. We can’t possibly manage our passwords, much less understand our data tracking profile across multiple devices, dozens of services, and hundreds of websites. 

Thought experiment: have you ever tried to compile your own personal data audit? 

If you don't have a panic attack when you see the results, you are a pretty cool customer. 😎

So… you mean it’s not realistic for consumers to manage their own privacy profiles?


That is why we have come to expect—and governments worldwide are requiring—businesses to safeguard consumer data rather than continuing to acquire and use it solely or primarily to increase their bottom lines.

And lucky you. Yes, you, the compliance professional who had consumer data privacy added to your portfolio in advance of new state privacy directives enforceable in 2023. 😉

Or, if you are like many Broadcat customers, you manage consumer data privacy compliance across a global footprint and have already been actively complying with GDPR or certain industry-specific privacy regulations including HIPAA, FERPA and GLB. 

So it may not surprise you to hear that many of our customers are hungry for less confusing content on these subjectsthe kind of graphically engaging, just-in-time resources that Broadcat is known for and that are actually endorsed in Article 12(7) of the GDPR.

What We’re Doing About It

Today I am pleased to announce that Broadcat will make a sustained investment in content expansion in both consumer privacy and other industry-specific privacy regulations. As I mentioned, it's a rather large problem to tackle. So, like the proverbial elephant, our approach will be to take it one bite at a time. We plan to introduce successive content releases during the next 12 months addressing the most prevalent of the European and American data privacy regulatory regimes. 

Here are the shiny new data privacy resources you can expect and when: 

  • September 2022: Healthcare Privacy 
  • Q4 2022: Consumer Privacy 
  • Early 2023: Financial Services, Education and Multi-use Privacy Materials

Whether you are currently a Broadcat customer or not, we would love to hear from you as we complete our content taxonomy in these areas. If you have struggled to communicate the implications of privacy regulations in specific topic areas or to specific employee groups, please reach out to me or Jennifer May to talk about it.

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