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[Blog header] 'Writing for Compliance' Plain Language Guide [March 2022 Gift]
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'Writing for Compliance' Plain Language Guide [March 2022 Gift]

Have you ever read something—contract, insurance policy, or even an instruction manual—and had literally ZERO idea what it said? Even after you reread it multiple times?

Woof. 🙀

You're not dumb. Writing simply and understandably takes *work,* and not everyone takes the time to do that.

But not you! You want to make sure that your compliance documents—policies, reports, checklists, procedures—are easy to understand because you respect the rad folks who are reading them to learn how to do the right thing.

That's why you need March's free gift for Compliance Design Club Members ... 


Broadcat's "Writing for Compliance" Plain Language Guide!

This awesome set of checklists will make your compliance comms spotlight-ready and a breeze to understand and implement.

Reimagine what a compliance document should look like with Broadcat's "Writing for Compliance" Plain Language Guide—March 2022's free gift for Compliance Design Club Members!

By encouraging you to rethink what compliance documents should look and sound like, this guide will help you define and refine your message so you're stating it clearly and simply.

No more fancy words and jargon. No more convoluted sentence structure. No more confusion on what the reader should do next. No more ALL CAPS FOR AN ENTIRE PARAGRAPH.

This guide uses detailed checklists and contrasting examples to ensure that you're taking a reader-centric approach as you craft your critical compliance comms.

Writing for Compliance collage

Once you start implementing this genius guidance, you may notice a couple of things:

Your employees will tell you how much they appreciate you—I mean, not only are you simplifying compliance, but you're showing them that you respect their time by not making them spend forever trying to understand a procedure!

More of your policies will pass your policy usability survey. Don't forget: the DOJ wants your policies to be easily accessible and understandable.

You'll get fewer questions in your inbox—after all, they're clearly explained in your doc!

This tool is life-changing for EVERYONE who encounters a compliance comm!


🌟 Bonus time! 🌟

You didn't think that's all we had when it comes to making compliance simple, did you? Nah. We've got everything from email templates on how to communicate with your helpline callers to human-centric policy templates and customizable slides for your annual program overview to your board of directors

Collage of templates and guidance available in Compliance Design Club

Make everyone's lives simpler and check 'em out in the Clubhouse!


Two ways to get it!

For free: Already a Compliance Design Club Member in March 2022? Go check your account, you genius, it’s already there! (And if you join before April 2022, we’ll send it to you directly FOR FREE!)

For 12 tokens: Is it after April 1st and you’re still not a Member? 

First, get on that! Get started here.

Second, all is not lost: you can still grab it for 12 tokens. Yup, you'll have a surefire way to draft clear, concise, and understandable compliance communications and STILL have plenty of tokens to spare!

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