What getting gored in a national park has to do with sharing speak-up stories
Confession time: I’m not really on Facebook much, but I do like Instagram and have several accounts (including ones for me, my dog, and a…tree, but that’s another story for another day). One account I follow on Instagram is called “tourons of national parks.” (“Touron” = Tourist + Moron)
These videos are submitted by onlookers, and mostly show tourons who just have to get:
- a selfie at the very edge of a cliff or a waterfall or other area that is clearly marked “do not enter” or
- realllllly close to wildlife (generally an aggressive animal, of course) to get a great photo, because, face it, we all need great photos! 🙄 While most tourons escape unharmed, there are a few who get hurt in the process.
Source: Hanna-Barbera Production's Yogi Bear via Giphy.com
The most interesting part of these posts are the comments, where sentiments range from mild amusement, to invectives that would make grandma blush, to wishing the touron had been gored and died immediately. (Yikes.)
Here are a few comments I recently came across:
- I’m always rooting for the animals in these videos.
- Serves her right. She’s lucky he didn’t stomp her.
- Anyone who does this should be dropped off in the backcountry of [whatever park their degeneracy takes place in] to find their way out.
Source: Schitt's Creek via Giphy.com
When I view the posts on the tourons page, I can’t help but think about team members—at all levels and organizations—who (1) make mistakes, or (2) ignore rules and make bad decisions.
How do we take what they did and share it with other team members in such a way that all employees will learn from it?
I’m pretty sure that submitting an “epic fails” video of an employee and sharing it with all staff is not the best idea for morale, learning, and encouraging employees to speak up. But we also want employees to learn from the mistakes and less-than-perfect actions of others so that:
- it’s clear that ethics is important to us as a company
- other employees won’t make the same mistakes
Enter: The helpline chronicles!🥳
This awesome Broadcat infographic is a plug-and-play piece that you can use regularly to share what has been reported to your helpline, how the investigation was handled, and what the outcome was—without sharing all the details or names that might identify a specific team member. Employees will appreciate that Compliance takes action AND they’ll learn from other’s mistakes (and misconduct).
Design Club member? Go to the Clubhouse and download it! Not a Design Club member? Set up a demo here to find out more!
Now isn’t this much better than posting a video of an errant employee? Either way, it sure beats getting gored at Yellowstone!