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Forget "best practices."

The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. And in corporate compliance, our problem is that we are addicted to best practices.

It’s a problem because best practices only measure what you are doing, not whether any of it works.

And since you can always be doing more stuff, holding yourself to a “best practices” standard means that you’re stuck in an eternal arms race of who can have the most complex, flashy program.

That is not the right standard.

It is not what the government wants, it is not what your executives want, and it is absolutely not what your employees want.

You can use best practices surveys and benchmarking to get ideas. But achieving a “best practices” program just means that you have spent a lot of money and time; it doesn’t mean that any of it works.

This is the only question that matters: what works for my company, and how can I prove it?

I talk about this a lot—and it gets a reaction. Because when you're obsessed with efficiency and effectiveness, you can escape the rat race of "best practices" and do fewer things—because you know they work.

But although this is simple, it's not easy. It's like deadlifting a car: just pick up the car. Not complicated, but still hard work.

To help you out, we've put together a step-by-step guide that walks you through:

What the government actually requires of your training

How to design training for effectiveness

How to implement training in a tactical, lean way

How to measure if your training works (and it's not through quizzes or completion rates)

You can download it for free at our new microsite—where you'll find all of our freely-distributed materials.

Go check it out—you'll be glad you did.

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