Broadcat Blog

'Taking an active role in politics?' Job Aid [September 2020 Gift]

Written by Aimee Blanchard | September 1, 2020

Hey, did you guys know that an election was coming up in the United States? Yeah, wasn't sure if you heard.

Your employees might know about it, too. And they probs have feelings about politics and elections and politicians and such. So you likely want to give them guidance on how to feel their feelings ... but not kill other folks at the workplace with different political persuasions.

That's why our free gift for Compliance Design Club Members in September is ...


Broadcat's "Taking an active role in politics?" Job Aid!

This infographic sets ground rules for your employees when it comes to political engagement. That way folks can express their opinions—and still work together as a team.

This piece neatly frames what's okay and what's totally off limits when it comes to political discussions and activities. So whether you're talking about using social media, wearing or displaying campaign gear, or using company resources, you're providing metaphoric guardrails to your team.

Plus it's editable! Elaborate, edit down, or flat-out revise topics to fit your organization's needs and specific policies.

Need more materials to protect your org's culture when political tensions run high? We've got those, too. Check out our guidance on posting about politics on social media and our political-engagement posters and screensavers.

And make sure you're registered to vote! ✅


Two ways to get it!

For free: Already a Compliance Design Club Member in September 2020? Go check your account, you genius, it’s already there! (And if you join before October, we’ll send it to you directly FOR FREE!)

For 8 tokens: Is it after October 1st and you’re still not a Member? 

First, get on that! Get started here.

Second, all is not lost: you can still buy it with 8 tokens. Yup, you'll give your employees guardrails for political engagement at the workplace and STILL have plenty of tokens to spare!