Broadcat Blog

'Making a call to the helpline?' Infographic [November 2020 Gift]

Written by Aimee Blanchard | November 1, 2020

Raise your hand if you've got a helpline (or hotline or ethics line ... you know what we mean). 🙋

Yup, we thought so. You want people to use it, right? But more than that, you want them to use it *well.*

Because if you get a helpline call that doesn't tell you enough facts to move forward with an investigation, you get one result: frustration all around. And nobody wants that.

That's why we created our latest gift for Compliance Design Club Members ...


Our 'Making a call to the helpline?' Infographic!

This one-pager is a super simple way to increase the quality of your helpline reporting. And bonus: you'll be more effective in your investigations, too!

Our "Making a call to the helpline?" infographic lays out exactly what info your employees should provide when reporting to the helpline. They'll be more prepared to give you all the facts they have about an issue ... which means you'll be well-positioned to investigate and bring it to resolution. Everybody wins! 🏆

But wait, there's more! Are your people worried about what happens after making a report? We've got pieces covering that, too: Check out our job aid that takes the mystery out of how the helpline process works (make it a toolkit with talking points and a distribution email!) and our simplified version for screens.

Transparency is the name of the game here: the more your folks know about what to expect, the comfier they'll be about speaking up. 👍


Two ways to get it!

For free: Already a Compliance Design Club Member in November 2020? Go check your account, you genius, it’s already there! (And if you join before December, we’ll send it to you directly FOR FREE!)

For 8 tokens: Is it after December 1st and you’re still not a Member? 

First, get on that! Get started here.

Second, all is not lost: you can still buy it for 8 tokens. Yup, you'll have a surefire way to improve your helpline reporting and STILL have plenty of tokens to spare!