Broadcat Blog

Line Art Icon System: Characters, Roles, and Miscellaneous Pack [October 2020 Gift]

Written by Aimee Blanchard | October 1, 2020

It's October, that spoooooky time of year with pumpkins and ghosts and (my personal fave) oodles of candy. And Halloween-themed compliance communications!

It also means that it's time to trick or treat. 🎃 But since we don't do tricks here at Broadcat, y'all just get a treat: another free gift for Compliance Design Club Members!

For October 2020, we're giving away ...

Our Line Art Icon System: Characters, Roles, and Miscellaneous Pack!

You already know about our exclusive icon system that can take your policies, Code, presentations, emails, and other guidance to the next level. With this free gift, we're giving you the next iteration with sleek, minimalist versions. And they're gorgeous.

These easy-to-use icons are ready to drag-and-drop into any of your projects. 

You can even give them a color pop with your company colors!

This pack includes over 20 icons representing everything from human resources and government officials to exports and praise. Plus, you get descriptions for how to use them, making your job a breeze! Don't forget: the more your employees see these icons, the faster they’ll know what to do—and the more useful your guidance becomes. 👍

Check out our other line-art icon packs here—there are over 100 compliance concepts represented! 


Two ways to get it!

For free: Already a Compliance Design Club Member in October 2020? Go check your account, you genius, it’s already there! (And if you join before November, we’ll send it to you directly FOR FREE!)

For 10 tokens: Is it after November 1st and you’re still not a Member? 

First, get on that! Get started here.

Second, all is not lost: you can still buy it with 10 tokens. Yup, you'll have a sleek, modern, and graphic way to communicate compliance concepts and STILL have plenty of tokens to spare!